is to be permanently turned off on or about August 15, 2001, and these pages will then be gone from the web.
I'm one David Anderson. There are around 2 (count seems to vary) at Silicon Graphics. Maybe, and maybe not, the one you are looking for :-)I've only tested this web page with netscape.
Some small
utility application programs
I've written
might be of interest.
Binaries useable on Silicon Graphics IRIX6.*,
sources possibly useable on
any UN*X-like system. Linux, FreeBSD, whatever.
The real scoop on free software for IRIX is, of course,
Some key writings on C for C programmers (from Henry Spencer, Dennis Richie, and others) is at You'll enjoy this stuff. Take a look.
Some information on object file formats and debugging applications (including DWARF and a patch to gdb allowing debugging of IRIX -64 applications) is available. Useful if you are interested in such things.
My primary hobby interest is Lotus Cars, and if you are interested in such, take a look at the Golden Gate Lotus Club's web site: gives information on the club and technical tips and pointers to other Lotus Cars websites. I hope to shortly write the saga of the restoration of my 1972 Lotus Europa (so far a 9 year long project and still counting...) on this web page. Coming Real Soon Now. Or not.
I am Membership Chair of the Golden Gate Lotus Club, a San Francisco area club focused on Lotus Cars. If you have club membership questions, changes, or problems, let me know.