David B.Anderson

davea@sgi.com danderson@acm.org
Send email to me.

reality.sgi.com is to be permanently turned off on or about August 15, 2001, and these pages will then be gone from the web.

I'm one David Anderson. There are around 2 (count seems to vary) at Silicon Graphics. Maybe, and maybe not, the one you are looking for :-)

I've only tested this web page with netscape.

Some small utility application programs I've written might be of interest. Binaries useable on Silicon Graphics IRIX6.*, sources possibly useable on any UN*X-like system. Linux, FreeBSD, whatever.

The real scoop on free software for IRIX is, of course, http://freeware.sgi.com/

Some key writings on C for C programmers (from Henry Spencer, Dennis Richie, and others) is at http://www.lysator.liu.se/c/ You'll enjoy this stuff. Take a look.

Some information on object file formats and debugging applications (including DWARF and a patch to gdb allowing debugging of IRIX -64 applications) is available. Useful if you are interested in such things.

My primary hobby interest is Lotus Cars, and if you are interested in such, take a look at the Golden Gate Lotus Club's web site: http://www.gglotus.org www.gglotus.org gives information on the club and technical tips and pointers to other Lotus Cars websites. I hope to shortly write the saga of the restoration of my 1972 Lotus Europa (so far a 9 year long project and still counting...) on this web page. Coming Real Soon Now. Or not.

I am Membership Chair of the Golden Gate Lotus Club, a San Francisco area club focused on Lotus Cars. If you have club membership questions, changes, or problems, let me know.