Jim's Tea and Reading Room
This is the master index to a variety of interesting sources of
documentary information, e.g. periodicals, technical reports,
and literature.
- A directory of
computer science department pages
- A directory of
programming language research information
- Directories of supercomputing and parallel computing research
groups at
University of Wisconsin WWW
Computer Architecture Home Page, and
Computer Architecture Affiliates page
California State University, Los Angeles:
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Clemson University Department of Computer Science
Cornell University
Computer Science
Ecole des Mines
(Paralléliseur Interprocédural de Programmes Scientifiques)
Project (papers
Los Alamos National Lab
home page
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Laboratory for Computer Science
home page
McGill University Computer Science
and the
Advanced Compilers, Architectures, and Parallel Systems Lab
Michigan Technological University
Department of Computer Science
home page
NASA Applied Research Branch
home page (includes NAS parallel benchmark data)
New York University (Courant Institute)
and the
ReaCT-ILP project
- North Carolina State University
Computer Science
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Northeastern University
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Numerical Aerospace Simulation Facility (NAS)
at NASA Ames Research Center
Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center
Purdue University Computer Science
home page
Rice University Computer Science
home page
- Russian Academy of Sciences
Institute for System Programming
home page, and the
mpC programming language
Rutgers University Computer Science
home page
San Diego Supercomputing Center
home page
Schloss Dagstuhl
home page, and
free dates
- Stanford University
Computer Science and
Electrical Engineering
home pages
Texas A&M University
Computer Science home page
Trimaran Project
home page (HP Labs, U. Ill., NYU)
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya
Departament d'Arquitectura de Computadors
Universität Saarbrücken
and the chair for
Computer Architecture and Parallelism
Universität Tübingen,
Fakultät für Informatik
- University of Alberta
Computing Science
home page
- UC Berkeley
Computer Science
home pages
- UC Irvine
Information and Computer Science
home page
- UC San Diego
Computer Science and Engineering
home page
University of Chicago
Computer Science home page
University of Colorado
Computer Science home page
University of Delaware
EE/CIS home page
University of Illinois
IMPACT project
home pages
University of Maryland Computer Science
home page
University of Minnesota Computer Science
and its
Agassiz project
University of Southern California
Computer Science and
Information Sciences Institute
University of Texas at San Antonio
Computer Science home page
University of Utah
Computer Science home page
University of Washington Computer Science & Engineering
home page
University of Wisconsin Computer Sciences,
and the
Wisconsin Wind Tunnel
Xerox PARC
home page
NEC's ResearchIndex citation database
Languages and Compilers
ANSI C++ Final Draft International Standard
ANSI C Standard (9X) working papers (1 June)
Blitz++: Numerics library for C++
Boost: Repository for free C++ libraries
C Language FAQ from comp.language.c
Compiler bibliography
The Compiler Connection
documentation from
Sun Microsystems:
Compiler Writer's Guide, and
code sequences
Intel Architecture Optimization Reference Manual
SCO developer documentation
(e.g. System V ABIs and SVID)
tutorial from Brown, and
summary page
from pi.se AB in Sweden
Computer Architecture and Benchmarks
Cache Speed Analysis (John McCalpin)
Computer Architects
CPU Performance Comparisons (Berkeley) and
SPEC table
The Effects of Moore's Law and Slacking on Large Computations,
Chris Gottbrath, Jeremy Bailin, Casey Meakin, Todd Thompson, J.J.
Charfman Steward Observatory, University of Arizona.
- Intel
The Ledfelt Fortran/90
abstraction benchmark
NAS parallel benchmarks
SPEC benchmark
detailed SGI performance trace
SPEC benchmark
CPU99 SGI internal analysis
SPEC benchmark
SPEC benchmark results:
The Stepanov
abstraction benchmark
Top 500 Supercomputing Sites
The Cathedral and the Bazaar,
by Eric S. Raymond:
an analysis of the freeware milieu
DWARF: SGI libdwarf and dwarfdump
Graph visualization tools
Linux links
MIT tool for static detection of dynamic memory errors
Numerical Recipes
Home Page and
IBM's Intellectual Property Network,
and the
U.S. Patent and Trademark Office
a prime number generator library
Prime Pages:
prime number information at the University of Tennessee at Martin
Single Unix Specification
Typing Injury FAQ
X/Open 64-bit Programming Model
Jim Dehnert