SGI Compiler Publications -- Code Generation

Raymond Lo, Sun Chan, Fred Chow and Shin-Ming Liu, Improving Resource Utilization of the MIPS R8000 via Post-Scheduling Global Instruction Distribution, MICRO-27, 30 November - 2 December 1994, pp. 148-152.

John Ruttenberg, Guang Gao, A. Stoutchinin, and Woody Lichtenstein, Software Pipelining Showdown: Optimal vs. Heuristic Methods in a Production Compiler, SIGPLAN '96 Conf. on Programming Language Design and Implementation, May 1996, pp. 1-11.

Raymond Lo, Sun Chan, Jim Dehnert, and Ross Towle, Aggregate Operation Movement: a Min-Cut Approach to Global Code Motion, Proc. of Euro-Par'96, August 1996, vol. II, pp. 801-814 (distinguished paper award). To appear in J. Theoretical Computer Science.

Michael Schlansker, Thomas M. Conte, James Dehnert, Kemal Ebcioglu, Jesse Z. Fang, and Carol L. Thompson, Compilers for Instruction-Level Parallelism, IEEE Computer 30(12), December 1997, pp. 63-69.

M. Srinivas and Alexandru Nicolau, Analyzing the Individual/Combined Effects of Speculative and Guarded Execution on a Superscalar Architecture, Proc. of 12th Int'l Parallel Processing Symp., 30 March - 3 April 1998, pp. 199-208.

M. Srinivas, Suneel Jain, and Jim Dehnert, A New Framework for Integrated Global Local Scheduling, Proc. of Int'l Conf. on Parallel Architectures and Compilation Technology, 14-16 October 1998.

Srinivas Mantripragada and Alexandru Nicolau, Selective Guarded Execution Using Profiling on a Dynamically Scheduled Processor, accepted (but not presented) at the Workshop on Feedback-Directed Optimization, 15 November 1999, Haifa, Israel. pp. 199-208. Paper in PostScript.

Efraim Fogel and James C. Dehnert, A Code Motion Technique for Scheduling Bottleneck Resources, Proc. of the Workshop on Media Processors and DSPs, 15 November 1999, Haifa, Israel. Paper in PostScript or PDF; presentation foils in PowerPoint or PDF.

28 December 99