'All you want to know about the IRIS Indigo'

General Information, Rumors
General Hardware Information
Hacks and HOWTO's
Lies, damned lies and ...
Picture archive
Technical Documentation
Credits and Disclaimer


04-Sep-2001 Added a few pictures of a FDDI card, as well as some pictures of a 60GB IDE drive in an Indigo.
15-May-2001 Restructured the Picture archive. I still have to update all in-document links, so the old index is still accessible.
11-Apr-2001 Added 'Express Graphics Installation Guide' and some more pictures
21-Feb-2001 Some more pictures, one is an Indigo bag. Does somebody know more about this?
31-Jan-2001 Added Elan graphics Technical Report
23-Jan-2001 Added Indigo Product Family Technical Report, Elan graphics Technical Report follows soon.
27-Nov-2000 Added some pictures. They are showing GIO Ethernet cards and a PM2 with the 'right' heatsink.