Creating particles that flow along a curve
Click to see MPEG movie (600k)
The animation is done by using the jptCurveInfo plugin to calculate the world position on the curve given a length along the curve, then writing a per particle expression to set the particle position and radius.  The size of the particle along the curve is controlled by an anim curve.

By changing the expression slightly, it is possible to change the behavior so the particles are evenly distributed along the curve.

Get the Maya ASCII file to see how this is done. 

To do your own scene:
  Get and install
  Create a NURBS path curve
  Create a particle object with some particles
  Add 'spacing' and 'offset' float attributes to the particle shape
  Assign the expression in the above Maya file to the particle shape
  Play with the 'spacing' and 'offset' attributes to get the look you want

The NURBS path curve
Particles flowing along the path curve
Particles placed evenly along the path curve

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Updated 8/11/98