PPT home page

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Welcome to the home of PPT! These thirteen plug-ins have now been released for version 7.5, and you can find them on this site.

All the documentation is available from a separate index page.

If you develop plug-ins, be sure to check out my API tools page.


The easiest way to install a plug-in is using these new-fangled PIM archives. First make sure you have a .Alias/plugins subdirectory in your home directory. The following command will make sure you have one:

mkdir ~/.Alias/plugins

All files are compressed using Unix compress, so after downloading them, make sure they have a .Z extension and then execute

uncompress filename

If you have older versions of these plug-ins installed, delete them before proceeding.

Now simply drop the PIM archive file on the Studio icon on your Indigo Magic desktop and the plug-in(s) will be automatically installed. If you're not using the desktop, type

pim -i filename.pim
at a shell prompt to perform the installation.

The Beef

Be sure to read the disclaimer first. Use of these tools implies agreement with the terms within.

You can get a single tar archive containing all thirteen plug-ins (1034240 bytes, last updated Dec 14), or download the individual PIM files you want:

Note: the improved jptPolyPrimitives is no longer distributed from here; it's part of JPT.

Feel free to browse through the directories for the documentation, the binaries, the medium icons, the small icons, or the Scheme files.

The binaries in the above directory and PIM files are all compiled for version 7.5 golden.

You can also get a tar archive containing my API programmer's tools (471040 bytes) or browse through the directory of tools and the source directory on this site.

updated Sun 15 Dec 1996 at 08:33 JST by Ka-Ping Yee (e-mail)
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